Tag Archives: Week News,Press Release,Leader Press releases and news,EU in the World,Democracy promotion,AFET :: Foreign Affairs,Russia and ex-Soviet Union

Russia: Two reports, one conclusion – the war in Ukraine is a Kremlin-fabricated military conflict

The ALDE Group in the European Parliament today hosted the launch of two independent reports that have reached the same conclusion: the war in Ukraine is a Kremlin-fabricated military conflict. The first report “Putin.War” was presented b…

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3 Russian officials on US sanction list proposed by Verhofstadt

3 Russian officials on US sanction list proposed by Verhofstadt
Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the European Liberals and Democrats, proposed earlier this week an enlarged sanction list he thinks the European council should adopt: “These people hold billions of euros in real estate and business assets in the EU and form part of the inner circle in the Kremlin.

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Ukraine: This is Europe’s hour to prove its ambitions for a common foreign policy

Ahead of an emergency EU summit today to discuss the EU response to Russian military occupation of Crimea and the urgent need to provide assistance to the new government of Ukraine, Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE group leader, said:

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Verhofstadt calls upon EU to act urgently to protect stability and territorial integrity of Ukraine

Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the liberals and democrats in the European Parliament, deplores the Russian decision to send 2,000 troops to the Crimea: “The Russian actions are in breach of numerous international commitments. Instead of engag…

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Joint statement by Guy Verhofstadt, President of ALDE Group in the European Parliament and Mikhail Kasyanov, Co-Leader of People’s Freedom Party (PARNAS) on the escalation of the situation in Crimea

Putin has recklessly taken a step that put Russia on the brink of war with a friendly country Ukraine. Russia dropped the pretence of being a good neighbour and became a military agressor.

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“Game over” in Russia: Arrests of peaceful demonstrators an affront to basic civil rights

Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Liberal Group in the European Parliament issued the following statement following the arrests of political activists in Russia.

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Continuous repressions in Russia must stop

Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Liberal Group in the European Parliament issued the following statement following the arrests of political activists in Russia.

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Guy Verhofstadt leads Ad-hoc delegation to Kiev

Following the events of the last few days and the escalating violence, Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE Group President will lead a delegation to Kiev to meet with opposition leaders, representatives of euro-Maidan, civil society leaders and protes…

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EU must stand by the Ukrainian people

Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE leader, welcomes that the High Representative is calling the EU Foreign Ministers together on Ukraine on Thursday this week.

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EU’s response to Ukraine so far inadequate

Reacting to news of escalating violence in Ukraine, Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE leader called on the High Representative of the EU to take urgent action.

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