
Rebecca Taylor, Liberal Democrat MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, was born in Todmorden, West Yorkshire in 1975 and currently lives in Leeds. She has a BA in Japanese and Management Studies from the University of Leeds, an MA in International Relations from the University of Kent and is currently finishing a Master’s degree in Public Health at King’s College London. Rebecca has been an active Liberal Democrat for over a decade at EU level and in the Yorkshire and Humber region. She was a European parliamentary candidate for the Yorkshire and Humber region in 2009 and a Westminster parliamentary candidate for Rotherham in the 2010 General Election. 

Rebecca’s professional background is in health and has included working with patients to help improve NHS services, undertaking health policy research and helping health sector organisations with their communications. Rebecca’s political interests include employment and investment in the Yorkshire and Humber region, particularly youth employment and training, and public health. 

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