Tag Archives: Press Release,ENVI :: Environment

Stricter and simpler rules on food for vulnerable consumers

Stricter and simpler rules on food for vulnerable consumers
The European Parliament today adopted a report on the European Commission’s Regulation on “Food intended for infants and young children and food intended for special medical purposes”, drafted by ALDE MEP Fréderique Ries (MR, Belgium), which defines concrete steps towards improving safety and quality of infant formulae, baby food products and products for vulnerable people in the European Union.

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Stricter rules on food for vulnerable consumers

Stricter rules on food for vulnerable consumers
After 20 months of work and debate, the European Parliament during the Strasbourg plenary session has given the green light this afternoon to new rules governing specific foods. Those concerned are infants, young children, hospitalized patients and the obese. For Frédérique Ries (MR, Belgium), rapporteur of the European Parliament, it was urgent to revise the old 1977 directive which only broadly covered diet foods.

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Free movement for pets across Europe

Ferrets, dogs and cats are set today (Thursday) to gain greater opportunities to travel across EU borders.

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ALDE MEPs call for an investigation into serious health concerns over the aspartame

On Wednesday March 27th, 2013, ALDE MEPs Corinne Lepage (CAP 21, France), Andrea Zanoni (IT) and Antonyia Parvanova (NMSP, Bulgaria) are hosting a conference in the European Parliament on the issue of full re-evaluation of aspartame and a…

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ALDE call for new limits on hazardous substances in batteries

Members of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee approved today a report on the Commission’s legislative proposal amending the Directive on batteries and accumulators containing hazardous substances.

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Tougher measures to avoid radioactive contamination of drinking water

The European Parliament today adopted a report on draft EU rules on radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption.

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EU bee population at risk unless action is taken to ban harmful pesticides

EU bee population at risk unless action is taken to ban harmful pesticides
MEPs of Parliament´s environment committee will today hold a debate on the dangers of pesticides to Europe’s bee population. They will call on the European Commission for concerted action to restrict certain neonicotinoid pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam) and other neurotoxins. Recent scientific evidence from the European Food Safety Authority and European Environment Agency has shown that the insecticides may pose risks to bees which play a key part in our food chain.

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EU bee population at risk unless action is taken to ban harmful pesticides

EU bee population at risk unless action is taken to ban harmful pesticides
MEPs of Parliament´s environment committee will today hold a debate on the dangers of pesticides to Europe’s bee population. They will call on the European Commission for concerted action to restrict certain neonicotinoid pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam) and other neurotoxins. Recent scientific evidence from the European Food Safety Authority and European Environment Agency has shown that the insecticides may pose risks to bees which play a key part in our food chain.

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CCS hopes dashed across Europe

Hopes of Europe becoming a world leader in the development of a key technology to combat global warming have been dashed.

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ALDE calls for more ambition ahead of Doha climate talks

The European Parliament will adopt tomorrow a Resolution which calls for more concerted action in climate funding commitments in the upcoming international talks in Doha (COP 18), Qatar (26 November – 7 December).
The Doha Summit faces…

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