Rebecca Taylor, Liberal Democrat MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, last night welcomed the adoption of a new resolution on tackling harmful alcohol consumption by the European Parliament’s environment, public health and food safety committee.
The resolution was drafted by a cross-party team of MEPs including Ms Taylor, and calls on the European Commission to come forward with a new alcohol action plan and an updated alcohol strategy, both of which will provide Member States with a framework to aid them in combatting the harmful consequences of excessive drinking.
Commenting, Rebecca Taylor said: “Despite a few issues which I would like to see ironed out before the final vote, I was generally pleased with the resolution as adopted.
It is important to stress that this resolution asks for a new EU-wide alcohol strategy that should correctly focus on harmful alcohol consumption, and not normal drinking. I have no desire to interfere with people´s right to enjoy a beer or a glass of wine should they so choose.”