The following letter has been sent for publication to the Yorkshire Post.
Dear Sir,
I note the recent speculation about the Tour de France (Sports minister in Leeds brushes off Tour De France worries, 24th Sept). Firstly, I would like to say how delighted I was, as were so many of us here in Yorkshire, when it was announced that the “Grand Depart” would be held in the county. I know just what big news it is for the whole area. We all must do all we can to make sure that all of Yorkshire benefits from what is the biggest annual sporting event in the world.
Neither should there be any misunderstanding that this is anything but an event being hosted by Yorkshire. It will be a time when the whole world will be watching and seeing just what there is on offer here in Yorkshire. Figures vary on just how many people will come to the Tour and how much of a financial boost it will bring, but undoubtedly we are talking big numbers. I would urge all businesses and towns across Yorkshire to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.
“Welcome to Yorkshire” are touring the area now, letting businesses and others know what they can do to benefit from next year’s event. Don’t miss out – get the wheels in motion now.
Rebecca Taylor MEP